These are anthologies I have stories in.

I will be publishing them individually at some point but if you prefer to not wait get here.

We all know that in the beginning, the middle, and end of some of the world's favorite stories. A princess who falls in love with a beast and shows him his true heart. A prince in search of the girl who has stolen his heart and left only a memory and a shoe behind in order to find her. a girl who has fallen down the rabbit hole. a young girl who is joined by friends and chased by an evil witch she must destroy in order to just go home.

These are all tales we know but what if fate and a few of our authors intervened with a new narrative? A new twist? Find out in the pages of this anthology with a mix of rewritten tales and a hint of space horror thrown in for spice. Gothic Bite Magazine presents A Twist in Time and Space.

Below are the stories I have in this anthology.

Little Wooden Nightmare

I spent my wooden boy days listening to my father’s stories of the outside world. It sounded magical and I wished to experience it for myself but my father only completed half the spell so I do not get to experience the world as he does. As a walking doll I can see humanity and they are selfish creatures. They get to experience the world so fully but do not appreciate it. I decide in stead of waiting for my father to gather the needed sacrifices I will save him time and do it myself. Then I can experience the world as his real boy.

A Dream so Dark

The earth is dying and cannot support life so the people banded together and created a ship to find us a new world to call home. My name is Alice and I am aboard the ship but my job is not like the others. I am the keeper of dreams. When someone goes space crazy I put them into a dream state, a coma of happiness until we get to the new world and they can experience life again. Until a new player enters my world and turns dreams to nightmares…

A Dream so dark is now available individually. Click the cover to buy or read in KU!


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